Canada Named Third Best Country In The World By New Report

Report Says Canada’s Prairie Provinces Benefit Most By Retaining Immigrants
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The U.S. News & World Report has ranked Canada as the third best country in the world behind only Switzerland and Germany, and beating the U.S.

“The rankings report is based on how global perceptions define countries in terms of a number of qualitative characteristics – impressions that have the potential to drive trade, travel and investment, and directly affect national economies,” said U.S. News.

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The countries were also given 10 sub rankings for their:

  • adventure; 
  • agility; 
  • cultural influence; 
  • entrepreneurship; 
  • heritage; 
  • movers; 
  • openness for business; 
  • power; 
  • social purpose, and; 
  • quality of life.

“Canada is a high-tech industrial society with a high standard of living. Trade agreements in the 1980s and 1990s dramatically bolstered trade with the U.S., and now the two counties are each other’s largest trading partner,” said the report.

“While the service sector is Canada’s biggest economic driver, the country is a significant exporter of energy, food and minerals. Canada ranks third in the world in proven oil reserves and is the world’s fourth-largest oil producer.”

The report commends Canada for its commitment to multiculturalism and its long list of accomplished writers and artists, its system of government, and its participation in United Nations peacekeeping missions throughout the world.

Canada snagged an overall score of 97.8 in the rankings with high marks for its agility, quality of life and social purpose and openness to business but scored badly in terms of its perceived unpreparedness to weather the coming challenges posed by the global economy. 

The rankings also revealed a rather ho-hum view of Canada’s heritage which only got a score of 39.9 and the country’s perceived power which was given a score of a paltry 43.3. 

In other recent rankings, Canada has regularly come out near the top for the quality of its universities and the livability of its cities. 

Earlier this year, three Canadian cities – Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto – were deemed to be among the top 10 most liveable cities in the world by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

Calgary, Vancouver And Toronto Among The Top 10 Most Livable Cities In The World

“The top 10 of our rankings remains dominated by western European cities, along with several from Canada,” said the EIU. “In second place, behind Vienna, is Copenhagen, while Calgary has jumped from 18th (owing to the removal of COVID-19 restrictions) to join Zurich in joint third.”

Bragging rights for being the most livable city in Canada went to Calgary, which tied with Zurich for the third spot globally. Vancouver came in second in Canada and fifth in the world – there was no fourth-place finisher – while Toronto officially became the third most livable city in Canada and the eighth best in the world.

Mid-sized cities – in contrast to the mega-metropolises – in wealthy counties fared very well in the survey of 173 cities throughout the world dubbed The Global Liveability Index 2022: Recovery and Hardship.

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“The top 10 cities are also among those with few COVID-19 restrictions,” said the report. “Shops, restaurants and museums have reopened, as have schools, and pandemic-led hospitalisation has declined, leading to less stress on healthcare resources and services, and even the requirement to wear masks is no longer in force in most situations.

“As a result, cities that were towards the top of our rankings before the pandemic have rebounded on the back of their stability, good infrastructure and services, as well as enjoyable leisure activities.”

In the world of higher education, a ranking by QS Quacquarelli Symonds, a provider of analytics and insight to the global higher education sector, has proclaimed the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia are among the best 50 universities in the world. 

Toronto And British Columbia Among The World’s 50 Best Universities

In its annual QS Top Universities ranking, the organization also placed the University of Calgary and Simon Fraser University, in Vancouver, among the top quarter of universities in the world.

And in terms of immigration, the Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index (NBI) ranked Canada last year as the top country in the world for its immigration practices and investment climate.

“First place rankings on the governance, people, and immigration and investment indices, as well as relatively steady rankings on exports, tourism, and culture contributed to Canada’s record ranking in 2021,” said the report by Ipsos, the world’s third largest Insights and analytics company.

A key strategy in Canada’s plan to recover economically in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic is immigration.

In its Immigration Levels Plan for 2022 to 2024, Canada is aiming to bring in 431,645 immigrants this year, 447,055 next year, and 451,000 in 2024.

“Immigration has helped shape Canada into the country it is today. From farming and fishing to manufacturing, healthcare and the transportation sector, Canada relies on immigrants,” said Immigration Minister Sean Fraser earlier this year.

“We are focused on economic recovery, and immigration is the key to getting there. Setting bold new immigration targets, as outlined in the 2022-2024 Levels Plan, will further help bring the immeasurable contribution of immigrants to our communities and across all sectors of the economy.”

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